PPL-A Flygcertifikat

Att skaffa flygcertifikat


What to do, where to go?

When one has set his goals it’s sometimes hard to see how to realize them. In my case the path is quite clear, the means are obvious and the costs are predetermined, but which club should I attend? I’ve been in contact with both Eskilstuna and Västerås flight clubs, I’ve even met some of Eskilstunas people… Where to go?

I have pretty good idea for the financial plan if I attend to EMFK (Eskilstuna Motorflygklubb), and I have a very VERY vague feeling about VFK (Västerås Flygklubb).

In a sense there some comfort in the knowledge I have from/with EMFK, on the other hand there’s a 32 minute train ride to get to Eskilstuna centrum, and then you’ll have to take a cab, some non existing bus or have a ride with a friend to the airport, this means that the airport is probably at least an hour away, maybe more like 2, as the train has its own timetable… And taking a cab would result in at least 1800 SEK, if I don’t share the it with someone else.

On the other hand, VFK is just a bike ride away, at tops like 20 minutes, and I don’t have to sync my life with SJ (trains). However, I haven’t met anyone from VFK yet. But they have more airplanes, which should be a good thing, n the other hand I’ve heard there’s a shortage of instructors here…

When comes the question about which aircraft is the best for training? VFK uses Piper Cadet (Piper Warrior trainers) and EMFK uses Cessna 172s (M and N). I’m not a pilot and I’ve only been in the Cessna, but from what I’ve read they are equivalent, giving you different challenges. The Piper Cadet is know to simply float over the ground instead of touching down, on the other hand you have a better view of the airfield when turning to final approach (I might use the wrong terms,, but still). The Cessna is harder to land with crosswinds (A wind that’s perpendicular to the airstrip) but this is also a good thing, as you’ll have to practice.

I think that the total price will be just about the same, EMFK might be slightly cheaper, but then comes the risk of having to take a taxi, and the longer traveling times. And the time saved when not traveling would help as there’s normal school to attend to too, and you have to catch the last train leaving Eskilstuna for the day too, so you can’t stay for too long after class.

Summing things up I’d say the difference is negligible… but the easier access to VFK is a big plus… but that EMFK feels as a safer card… VFK sounds a bit uncertain when asked if there’ll be any class, or more uncertain then EMFK as nether has decided yet.

Well, this was the thoughts of this morning, and a result from some searching last night… I’m not sure anyone will find this interesting, but it’s a good place for me to sum up things so that I can look at it from a 3ed persons perspective…

Also, how to tag this? What tags to use? Should I even tag it?

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